About MyBody GX

MyBody GX uses DNA testing to deliver programs that are tailored for optimal nutrition and fitness from your exact genetic makeup. We are committed to meeting you where you are today, so you can get to where you want to be tomorrow.

Leveraging the latest breakthroughs in DNA Analysis, MyBody GX offers a range of genomic testing services and products that reflect the distinct goals of clients who are on various phases of their health and fitness journeys.

Once you select and purchase the product that is right for you, you are just a few weeks away from transformative information and insights that get you off of the kind of trial-and-error treadmill that results from one-size-fits-all approaches to exercise, nutrition, along with an understanding of the optimal percentage of proteins, carbohydrates and fats for your particular genetic makeup.

A simple cheek swab, mailed to our federally certified lab in the pre-addressed, postage paid packaging, unlocks a wealth of data. You’ll gain new insights on issues that include: how your body metabolizes proteins, fats, and carbohydrates; absorption tendencies of key vitamins and minerals; HDL, insulin, and glucose response to cardio and weight training; recommended meal plans; and much, much more.

Following receipt of this detailed and insight-rich report, Kati Epps, MyBody GX founder, nutrition consultant, and fitness coach, provides each client provides with a one-hour consultation via telephone or Skype. This consultation serves to clarify any questions concerning the genetic report.

MyBody GX also prepares for every client a sustainable plan for nutrition and fitness that is aligned with their lifestyle and specific goals.

Ongoing Spectrum of Support

Once you’ve received your individualized report, you will have access, anytime, anywhere, to our online platform of comprehensive videos, articles, and recipes that are curated specifically for your genotype.

Simply login to our secure web portal and you will be able to view your complete diet and lifestyle recommendations and tap into our genotype-specific health content library. This comprehensive resource library contains hundreds of articles, videos and recipes that are curated and directed to you based on your unique genetic profile. Your report and health content are available at any time and accessible from any connected desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

How To Get Started

The science underlying the discovery of a depth and breadth of genetic detail is highly complex; your process for obtaining DNA-driven insights and recommendations is amazingly simple.

  • Order the product that aligns with your goals.
  • Within 1-2 weeks, you’ll receive your DNA collection kit in the mail.
  • Register your kit online according to the instructions provided in your kit.
  • Collect your DNA sample by swabbing the inside of your cheek using the sterile cotton swab provided in your kit, and following a few, simple instructions.
  • Secure the swab in the collection sleeve, seal it in the prelabeled, postage-paid package, and place it in the mail.
  • Your individualized DNA report will be emailed within 3-4 weeks, after our federally certified lab has analyzed your DNA, identified your unique genotype, and generated your individualized report.
  • Set up your one-hour consultation to discuss your DNA results, wellness goals, and a plan for your success, with a MyBody GX expert via Skype or telephone.
  • A personalized and sustainable nutrition and fitness plan will be provided that is tailored to your unique genetic profile, your lifestyle, where you currently are on your health and fitness journey, and where you would like to be moving forward.
  • Schedule a 30-minute consultation with our wellness experts via Skype or telephone to review your progress to ensure that your nutrition and fitness goals are on track!

About Our Founder

Kati Epps is passionate about the possibilities that come to life when inner strength is unleashed.

MyBody GX represents the interconnection of her distinct expertise and passions: knowledge of nutrition, chemical breakdowns, cellular development, muscle growth, cardiovascular health, and serving as a conduit for healing and joyful living.

She works closely with clients to create inviting nutrition and exercise programs that are aligned with their distinct genotype, as well as their lifestyles and goals.

With many certifications from the American Council on Exercise and a Bachelors’ Degree in Chemistry from Colorado State University, she’s successfully trained individuals at every end of the fitness spectrum—from professional athletes to competitive bodybuilders to out-of-shape adults hoping to regain mobility and energy.

As founder of MyBody GX, she’s at the forefront of leveraging scientific breakthroughs in DNA Analysis that fast-track and achieve lasting results for health and fitness.